Program pay-per-click for products

Program pay-per-click for products
Of the three type PPC Program this one much more in the select the business development PPC, myself
personally also like the Pay-Per-Click for roduk of the Pay-Per-Clic for keywords and Pay-Per-Click services. You should consider the program a pay-per-click for this product as a search engine
for comparing online shopping, or a search engine to compare prices.
Product, is the main focus of a program pay-per-click for this product. So you can make an offer to place ads of your product.

Requirements for using this program is slightly different from the pay-per-click for the keyword.
With this program, you must provide a feed (list price for the product you are updated on a
regular basis) to search engines. So, when a user searches for a product, your link will be displayed, where the position will depend on the bid price (bid) that you submit.

However, users are free to view the listing of the products displayed by search engines, so she can find out all the price, from cheapest to
most expensive. That means that maybe in the beginning, your product is a great position. But if
it's not the cheapest product for its category, it is not guaranteed that the position will remain the same in the presence of different visitors.

Some companies that offer such products include,
NexTag, PriceGrabber, and Shopzilla.
Create a feed for your product is not too difficult.
But depending on the number of products you have, it may be time consuming. This program managers usually determine the different
requirements of the attributes that should be included in the feed. For example, the basic information that should be included for all products is the title, direct links, and a brief description of each item.

Several additional attributes that may be necessary in include among others:

  • Title

  • Description

  • Link

  • Image link

  • Product type

  • UPC

  • Price:

  • MPN (manufacturer's part number)

  • ISBN

  • ID

Some of the managers of this program requires the use of feeds in XML format, but generally
allow a text-delimited format Excel files (simple CSV files). This means that you can create a list products through an Excel spreadsheet, then save it with delimited text format.




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