Google, the engine is more than one search criteria

google engine
Google profit in quarter The fourth-year 2009 increased by five times
fold to 1.97 billion U.S. dollars. This is not surprising because both Google timmert on the road. Google has a variety of programs
Different, user-friendly features,
supportive counseling and so forth.
All useful things fun, and also free.

Market leader
Google with search engine with the distance great leader. Since the beginning, we used PageRank algorithm, the value of the page
determine the number of links from other websites. Link the higher the ranking. Google revealed as a result of better and higher than competitors such as Altavista,
Yahoo and Excite.

Google Earth
In June 2005 appeared on Google Earth this world, the first time. Google Earth is global planners are encouraging the water location. satellite images in three dimensions. Images often so sharp that is regularly lost buildings like a palace and found the old way. Your can even see the Loch Ness monster! Although might be a joke. Meanwhile, Google Earth with many advanced features. You do not
only the world but even in the stone walls ocean, Mars and the moon and exploring further
into space.

Google Maps
In November 2005 saw the light of
Google Maps. An obvious route planner you can download to your mobile phone. There is many features of the Earth. With Street View you can walk through the streets and you take in the vicinity. Very useful information about
local business. As a company, you
can also sign up for Google Maps.

Gmail has a few years but only on
July 2009 month is Gmail, Google Calendar and Google Docs ultimately there is no service
more experimental. Google has added "Beta" removed from the site. With Gmail, you can be more than just sending email. You can
keep the basic functions of a normal server, go chat, create documents, video, reading
feeds and more.

Because Gmail does not have to install on your computer, but can be accessed through Internet you can get anywhere in a world where the Internet connection, your
email reading and writing. Mail will be sent via Internet so that the firewall on your computer 've installed all the trojans and suffering other than direct mail attachments and filters.

This feature allows you to document text, spreadsheets and presentations. Since December 28
January 2010, you can even upload
You and your presentation files with others. With other documents during some time. Google keeps all
documents for you.

Google Translate can translate more than fifty language itself. Besides Dutch, English, German and even Chinese and Russian.
Translations are far from perfect but it is very useful for quick overview of your What, for example the pope in the Vatican
newspaper L'Osservatore Romano said.

Google has many products. Google Chrome is a browser and load quickly in web page loading. Of course, free to download. You can consult books and reading, install toolbars or add Game to your Google homepage.

Google Labs shows what Google is
do all gone. existing programs will
constantly being developed and is currently develop new programs and features. Google still not ready for us to make sense, Google there.




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