Protect yourself from keyloggers with the virtual keyboard without using a physical PC

Virtual keyboard, Protect yourself from keyloggers with the virtual keyboard without using a physical PC

Although many network users can article "Only to update the blog" on the internet and
knowing how to prevent viruses and spyware, there are various types of malware to away, such as keyloggers and phishing

As for phishing, is mainly used by attackers who want to capture the data access from certain sites (usually web services for paid online) and create a web page identical to the countries
where fewer experts would decrease as a chicken.

As for keyloggers, they are tools
simple (could be a hardware type and software) that can capture all kinds users on a PC or a computer keyboard other.
In this way, discover passwords and data sensitive personal very easily, especially if you hacking.

After a simple introduction, this article is intended to how protect themselves from keyloggers use in general, seems strange, with the virtual keyboard simple scripts.

If you are using a public computer
(Perhaps on the Internet) or computers of friends, relatives, friends or family, then it should
Do not use the PC keyboard, especially when you insert data fields for login services such as Paypal, eBay, websites banks and in general all services where to enter personal data and sensitive personal information.

The best solution to avoid being attacked by keylogger is to use your PC and web browser virtual keyboard replacing the physical keyboard of the computer You are in a situation where we must do login.

The best script I could find on the internet is to be installed on Virtual Keyboard Firefox, Chrome and Safari.

  • For Firefox you need to install Greasemonkey script to use.

  • In the Google Chrome installation occurs routine without installing ocmponenti other, so if you use Google Chrome and especially the script described does not work at several sites, extension released Virtual Keyboard is optimized for browser Google.

  • In Safari, you must install
    and then the script.

With a Virtual Keyboard will be easier for protect yourself from keyloggers can include usernames, passwords and other sensitive data
on the virtual keyboard will appear.

keyboard can be increased in size
(Using the menu where there are a number 1 -2 -3 -4 -5) plus you can set the mode different layout and appearance of characters, letters and numbers (using the menu VKI).
The main advantage of using the keyboard virtual is more accessible and accurate data entry.

Virtual Keyboard is a script worked in my tests at several sites, there would be updated and includes more services the more that will make this script one one of the most used and important related
with online security.




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