Google Chrome will be 60 times faster than Chrome 6

Google Chrome will be 60 times faster than Chrome 6

As we all know Microsoft's beta version Internet Explorer 9 in the public domain. MSIE9, such as Microsoft argues, is a browser The first which supports hardware acceleration for all HTML content 5.

But others are not watching. Ability to update Google's products are outside usual, in the process of preparation 7 Google Chrome said that it would be 60 times faster from Chrome 6. And just to counter graphics hardware capabilities MSIE9 support here is what James Robinson said, Software Engineer at Google.

"This system takes the best graphics API for used on any OS that supports Chromium: XP/Vista/7 Windows, Mac OS and Linux.

Neowin able to make its first test; MSIE9 winners but still leave the "Chrome 7 is much better than previous versions.

Google has created a series of demo to show what is possible using accelerated 2D API.



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