Restoring opening a new tab in the lower right Firefox

With Firefox 3.6 to open a tab mode had been changed (so it is very similar to IE8): whereas before each new tab (Ctrl + T) opened at the rear on the right, but the latest version of your browser, each new tab open in the selected line.

It is annoying to use to navigate through open tabs to know they are arranged in chronological order opening and then opened the card The most recent is always the last one in the next Right.

But you know that in Firefox we can only change the configuration parameters, so there specific parameters for handling procedures to open a new tab.

If you want to restore your old rules should follow these steps:

1. Digiate "about: config in the address bar and then press Enter
2. Find the configuration parameters
and set it to "false"

Restoring opening a new tab in Firefox 3.6 the lower right

Changing this value will take effect immediately without restarting Firefox. If you want Return to restore the default value "true".




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