10 Reasons why Android is better than iPhone (IOS)

Here are 10 reasons why Android is a better operating system IOS iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. According to CNN, at least. And you, what do you think? What operating system do you prefer?

10 Reasons why Android is better than iPhone (IOS)

1. Maps and Navigation: Google Map is by far the best navigation software market, while the iPhone map application has hardly changed in 2007.

2. Bar service: the notification bar Google makes implementations on other platforms seem incomplete. Email, SMS notifications of facebook, software updates, tasks, ... almost everything you can imagine can be managed from the dropdown applet that can be used from almost
any screen. For its part, the iPhone has set notifications that can be grouped into a single screen.

3. Widgets: it is difficult today to imagine using a smartphone without widgets. Android can be on the same screen updates Google Voice, your favorite feeds, Twitter, Facebook, ... and organize them as you want. With a lot more control than we can get on the iPhone, where you can only see applications and notifications.

4. Operator choice: although it is not the case in elsewhere, in America you are limited to AT & T if you want an iPhone. With the large number of Android phones on the market, you have much more freedom of choice in selecting an operator.

5. Hotspot: with most Android phones is as easy to create a WiFi hotspot that provide internet connectivity to other devices such as laptops, or iPad. In iPhone tethering can be done, but only with laptops (without jail-break)

6. Choice of screen size: if you want an iPhone you can choose between 3.5 inches and 3.5 inches. With Android you can find everything from very small phones like HTC Aria (3.2 inches) a real beasts as 4.3-inch screen and HTC Evo X Droid.

7. Voice Actions: iPhone takes advantage of an application that Apple bought, called Siri, but not as integrated into the phone as is the Google option.

8. The fastest browser: iPhone's browser is very good, but nowhere near in terms of speed Android.

9. More and better buttons: the Start button iPhone Android adds a menu button, a back button and a search.

10. Google Voice: although it is available as third-party iPhone application, have the service integrated with the operating system itself changes everything.




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