The difference Between 32 and 64 Bit

Of course many of you have asked about the difference between 32 and 64 bit, as we choose today about this in processors, operating systems and software, well with this post because I want explain these differences and share a little more knowledge.

The difference Between 32 and 64 Bit

PROCESSOR: Let's start with the basics and understand why they vary between 32 and 64 bit. To do this in didactic a 32-bit processor supogamos road four lanes where cars (data) is 100 km/hours, and now with 64-bit cars The same (data) will come from the same speed but now on the road eight paths, which can move more cars (Data) is only four-lane road.
For 64-bit processors, this means you can work two times more data in the cycle the same clock (a hertz), can access more memory and more processing files large. Currently 32-bit processor can handle maximum of 4GB of RAM, while the 64-bit processor have the ability to control 16 exabytes of memory, which is 16 billion GB, which is enough surprising.

The math would be no benefit, because 32-bit processor can represent numbers from 0 to 4,294,967,295 and 64-bit capacity increase is achieved which can represent numbers 0 to 18,446744,073,709,551,615. Clearly this means that the computer can make the operation with a larger number and a small amount computation more efficient.

As we see considerable differences outside regular and thus has a 64 bit processor would will increase the hardware capabilities us, especially for working with RAM enough.

OPERATING SYSTEM: When we find a version different from each operating system (Windows, Linux or Mac) and must choose between 32 or 64 bit version we need consider the following:

1. To install 64-bit version on our computers must have 64-bit or otherwise we do not can install it.

2. The 32-bit version can be installed with all processor type either 32 or 64 bits.

3. If you install 32-bit version on computer with 64 processors we exploited take advantage of the processor, because necessary to get the full potential to have a 64 bit system installed.

4. Operating system 64-bit most widely used in professions where you actually require the full potential of the machine, plus many 64-bit systems have many software incompatibility.

SOFTWARE: When the software must choose 32 and 64 bit of the first and most important thing between to consider is the type of system operation we have installed and are 32 or 64 bit each, so choose software to install.

Many 64-bit systems should install the device software is not compatible 32-bit, so you must install 64-bit version only for better performance and avoid problem, but now comes with the sytem many improvements to prevent this.




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