The new detectives are trained to investigate on Facebook and Twitter

The new detectives are trained to investigate on Facebook and Twitter

The UK police has announced that it will instruct the new detectives in the country to learn
to control Facebook and Twitter
. The police will give students specific training detective enable them to use these social networks as a means to track the bandits and criminals.

The goal is to learn to obtain information and personal computers and mobile phones, allowing them to investigate the trail left in social networks to solve crimes, kidnapping and domestic violence.

As published by the newspaper The Guardian, 3,500 students will be trained detective by British police, and also receive specific training in case of cyberbullying (bullying on social networks).

In UK already exists for example a specific unit of the police and civil guard in charge of tracking crimes committed in social networks. In fact, more and more frequent. Proof of this is that British police detectives formed to help in the fight against cyber crimes and also take advantage of such training in social networks to solve other crimes "traditional."

British security forces are extremely active in this regard, and have used social networks to all sorts of purposes, some rather curious.

So, a month ago, to enable a special Twitter account for 24 hours in which all calls received retweetable emergency number 999. The goal: that people become aware of the number of calls received and at the same time, learn to use this service when you really need.




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