Facebook conflict with the new social network

The most prominent example is the Diaspora, open source social network where you can control the privacy and personal data. Page Kickstarter, which resulted in the Diaspora, claims a new form of social networking.
No citing Facebook social network, but talking about "companies major who wanted to tell you that sharing and privacy are not compatible. "Diaspora meet in these pages, through donations, 20 times the amount that has been requested.

The founders, who are followers of attorney and professor Eben Moglen, Columbia University believes that Facebook is teaching us to sacrifice privacy for convenience, give us information to advertisers that our "spies."

Another site called Folkdirect, launched in January with the same ideas about privacy, the promise that "your data will not once party of a folder for advertising campaign and there will be no party
applications third to 'catch' your data. "

Viewing exclusivity

The social networking site Facebook begins as a social network for students later joined by a few students High school, then parents and leaders, including grandparents.

CollegeOnly.com founder, Josh Weinstein, remembered that he and his friends are "wanted joined Facebook "in the first year for share and seek information which is interesting.

In the social network you can only connecting students to go when he graduated. The idea is that the network managed social topics of interest only for academics.
Maybe age or educational level is not important to some users of social networking, but such exclusivity. ASMALLWORLD is a social network designed for those "sophisticated and influential people" who can only be accessed by invitation.

Multiple personality

The social networking site Facebook allows you to decide which groups we want to make comments or photos to share, but not easy to have a personality with contact (Boss or colleague for example) and others with other people (friends). Throughout its history Facebook has encouraged consumers to using their personality actually on the web.

Hibe.com is a social network that focuses to enable users to determine the personality that can be accessed with contacts. The concept that the creator is called Social Networking 3.0. On their web site said that they "opened the way for social networking experience that exceeds Facebook "


1 Comment:

Michael said...

I think at the end of the day it's a question what kind of principal philosophy the platform operator is applying. I'm using e.g. http://chocobrain.com
They're already applying user oriented privacy protection. See e.g.: http://www.chocobrain.com/content/chocoBRAIN-Privacy-See-our-philosophy/38CFBF5A94E511DF82C23627CF5951C2


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