how to make the network manager does not ask for a password to connect to the internet

I think many of you must be tired enter your password each time they are sacred connect to the Internet. For me, it is safety measure. For most men only disturbing. Unlike other mini-institutions suggested we remove it from the keyring (Thus making us in far more Linux vulnerable), are here only to avoid demand password to connect to the Internet, other things considered the same.

Many, like me, prefer automatic login activated, so the "keyring" we do not opened at the beginning and every time we try to connect to the Internet, Network Manager we ask for a password to open keyring and this, in turn, open password used by a wireless connection. Fortunately, there are easy ways to overcome this problem.

Step by step
Open Applications>> System>> Preferences>> Network Connections.

Then, go to the tab where the listed your Internet connection. In my case, it is a wireless connection, so I had to go to each tab. Select the connection you use and click the Edit button.

edit-network-connection network manager

You will see a dialog box. Down everything, activate the option that says Available for all users.

set-available-to-all-users network manager

Finally, click the Apply button. You will see a window asking for password You PolicyKit (last). Enter your password click authentication and ready.

authentic network manager

This method is better than the others (very popular on the web) and that instead of opening our keyring (which stores all the passwords you), when we want to do something other "banned" the system will continue We ask for a password (for example, to installing programs, etc.). In fact, even "You can see the password used by your wireless connection without first entering a password for your keyring. However, they will be able to connect to the Internet without a Network Manager (Network Manager) will ask your password.




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