Speccy 1.07, With more information on the hard disk and operating system

Always good to keep the program updated the newest version because what will get benefits, remember that software development companies, most if not all, are responsible for debugging their applications that they are in proper condition. Therefore, upgrading software when you can, is what most recommend.

Speccy 1.07, With more information on the hard disk and operating system

On this occasion I will comment on Speccy 1.07 is the new version of one of the best free programs to benchmark our computer. Chanson analyze the activity of our PC to know specifically what their characteristics.

Speccy 1.7 we mention the following developments are the highlights:
  • Improved speed with which detects hardware

  • Fixed some problems with SATA interfaces

  • Improved detection of removable drives

  • Now extract information from the Windows Security Center

  • Displays the status of Windows Defender on your system

  • Fixed some compatibility issues with Windows 7

  • Have been improved stability aspects

  • Now you have a link "Help" direct

So computer technician friend, Speccy 1.07 is one of the best options that could save the life computing more than one occasion, and this type of application is useful when you: do not know the name of the motherboard your PC, or do not know how much memory is RAM. In short, a software specialist in the diagnosis of equipment.

Speccy 1.07 has been greatly improved, especially when it comes to detection of the physical components of your computer. It is recommended that you update your software now.

Speccy 1.07


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