Create a wireless hotspot freeware ICS Virtual Router

ICS hostspot sharing internet

Various people who contact me via email asking me to make this article who spoke about hostspot fi and Wi-sharing internet connection, reading this post would be satisfied.
There are many who want to learn how to create Wireless hotspot to share the connection internet with other devices (including smartphone) using Windows, especially the Seven or the latest operating system Microsoft in the home.

Just to Seven will see freeware useful in the blink of an eye will Wi-Fi hotspots make various settings parameters, of course, as always, you will view is described in detail.
Materials required to create a hotspot is to have a PC running Windows 7 and Virtual Router, which can downloaded now.

Then just install the freeware and because It is free to be the power used. The this program easy to use thanks, not even the inexperienced experiencing problems or malfunctions.

ics router

Opening the program will combine following settings:

- Network Name (SSID): the network name Wireless

- Password: (do not want to add more!)

- Joint Connection: the connection will share

All set to activate the hotspot just click the button only in the GUI (Start Virtual Router) running. After a few seconds Hotspot and you will.

To deepen the Virtual Router I decided to write it presents several advantages:

- Easy to use: as we have seen, steps to be performed very simple and elementary.

- Security (encryption) to use WPA2 in default.

- Performance: very good, very quickly and without


- I have a compatibility problem, what should I do?: If you see any problem of creating a wireless hotspot that PC You are connected to the Internet or an alternative update driver of Wi-Fi card (you can do so by reading this article this) or, rare cases, your Wi-Fi or wireless devices may not be compatible with Windows 7.

Note: If you experience problems compatibility with Wi-Fi or wireless card, You can head on this page special created by the Virtual Router where there is list of all supported devices.

Obviously, we do not want to say that I never share a connection, all devices (Mobile or PC that has a wireless connection) can capture the shared network (hotspot created) and free can be connected to Internet in the normal way you all know, or at least I hope!

Virtual Router is compatible, for current and I can not confirm that for version new will be released only for Windows 7.




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