Embed Youtube Videos WordPress WP Youtube Player

WP Youtube Player is a WordPress plugin that allows you to enter youtube videos easily using quicktag [t u b e] [/ b u t e], which also has a configuration panel for adjust the parameters to display players.

Embed Youtube Videos WordPress WP Youtube Player

WP easily publish Youtube Player video on your blog, so you will:

** Posting videos using the line of code.
** Set the size and type of player to use.
** Set the method of embedding the player, including via an iframe.
** Allows you to set parameters players.
** Generate code required to support feeds.
** Generate code required to
support the iPhone.

WP Automatic Installation
WP Youtube Player plugin is stored in the directory Official: http://wordpress.org/. To install the plugin, enter the menu and see Plugin wp-youtube-player and proceed to the automatic installation by clicking the Install button.

WP Installation Manual
WP Youtube Player To install your should follow the following steps:
** Download the latest version of WP Youtube Player
** Unzip the file wp-youtube-player-xyzip
** Copy the folders: wp-youtube-player to the plugins folder WordPress, the folder is usually wp-content/plugins/
** In the administration panel, Plugins 'active choice' WP Youtube Player.
** In the administration panel, the option 'Settings', you will find a new option called WP Youtube Player plugin to set options

WP Youtube Player allows you to easily configure how to display the video player.
** Embed This method, allows to choose how insert player. ( < object>, < iframe> And SWFObject).
** Player Version is a version of the player (version AS2 and AS3 is the old new version)
** Player player width expressed in pixels wide
** Tall player tall players are presented in pixels

In addition to these parameters you can set options like the fullscreen button and activate blocking the entry of a user on the button.

How to use Youtube Player WP
To publish your YouTube video must use quicktags [t u b e] [/t u b e] and you can do with the following options:

Using the video URL:
[t u b e] h t t p: / / w w w. y o u t u b e. c o m / w a t c h? v = A M V A l A i 3 C s o [/ t u b e ]

Using a URL to embed the video:
[t u b e] h t t p: / / w w w. y o u t u b e. com /
v / A M V A l A i 3 C s o [/ t u b e]

Using ID Video:
[t u b e] A M V A l A i 3 C s o [/ tube]

As you can see there are three options for including video, choose the one you most want. Either option gives the result as follows.
With the plugin posting videos from YouTube easy and we can control the display players with supplied panel configuration.




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