Sony introduces a new TV with Google TV

Sony introduced a multinational company The first line of sophisticated equipment for Google TV. The purpose of the new creation is to integrate television content with Internet for the use of its customers.

Sony introduces a new TV with Google TV

After just rumors, Sony offically launched four HD TVs with access to web. Various devices will be, at least for now, only available through and Sony: Internet TV label.

The big difference is that this technology offers unlimited internet through various applications, and includes a browser Google Chrome, which allows access to web as you like.

The four available models have Wi-Fi, four USB ports and HDMI, and Dual function See which allows users to watch TV while surfing. It is also includes access to utility service payments and bring the Sony pre-application Intan CNBC, Napster, NBA, Netflix, Pandora, Twitter, and YouTube.

Meet in the last hour sell movies Amazon and Netflix exclusive to the new system, and the New York Times and USA Today, Pandora music player, Napster and twitter Vevo and work to sell their products through this new medium.

For persuasion at that time, Google assured that the manufacturer of the most important U.S. television (Such as Turner Broadcasting, NBC Universal and HBO) is developing a program for improving broadcast reception system new.

The price of this TV from Sony and Google TV will cost: 24-inch U.S. $ 599.99, model 32-inch $ 799.99, 40 inches U.S. $ 999.99, and 46-inch U.S. $ 1,399.99. You should buy a Blu-ray Disc player to Internet to gain access to the network and costs U.S. $ 399.99.




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