how to claim your blog in technorati

How to claim your blog in technorati - the blog
claims in techorati bother easy, that's what I
experienced hehe .. after perusing the message of
the technorati, on how to claim blo g, can finally
claim, and here we explain how to claim your blog in

claim steps techorati blog at:

1. enter and complete list of
data that need

2. techorati will send a reply email.

3. email more or less like this,,

Thank you for submitting your blog claim on
Technorati. Technorati will need to verify that you
are an author of the site by looking for a unique code. We have just assigned the claim token R9KT28SMEF8A to this claim. Please visit for more details, Including how to use the claim token.
for her to claim

1. enter the new post / create a new post

2. enter the code (as above TEXT COLOR RED)

3. and publish

4. After publish back to Technorati and click "claim

and wait a few moments, technorati will mengclaim
your blog, send an email to our inbox,, and finally

This is an automatically-generated email. Thank you for submitting your blog claim on Technorati. We have successfully crawled your blog and found the claim token, and your claim is now awaiting review.

udh's success, it was the way the claim blog on
technorati, hopefully can help and what if there is
trouble let equally sharing, in the comment box, there
is nothing difficult if really want it, like on
technorati blog claim,, happy calim happy blogging by
proficient blogging.



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